Evander & Brittany Stone - Oahu Wedding

There is something special about photographing someone you know's wedding. I am naturally obsessed with weddings, but capturing emotions that you can feel right along with them is next level. This is the story told in images of Brittany & Evander's Hawaii Wedding celebration. I have had the privilege of knowing Brittany and calling her one of my closest friends since kindergarten. (which was 20 years ago this year!) We grew up together and were best friends through middle and high school. We have been friends through boyfriends, breakups, having the same boyfriends, a parent's divorce, graduation, moving to different states, both following what Christ had in store for us, my wedding and babies being born and now her own wedding! Life has been crazy for us and we haven't always been as close as the good ole' days, but in my opinion I think that true best friends never stop loving each other. When we all met up for her wedding, (our other two best friends from high school were there..) it was as though no time had passed and we were back in high school playing cards at a sleepover. Our families know one another and it was like a piece of home in Hawaii seeing her family again. I have never in my life seen a wedding so filled with love, God, and joy as this one. Both Brittany and Evander invite Christ into their daily lives so it was no surprise to literally feel him blessing their marriage during their ceremony. Congrats to the gorgeous couple who are unapologetically themselves. Their souls shined on that day and I am so blessed to have been apart of it! I mean who wouldn't want to photograph their best friend's wedding.... in Hawaii!!!  
Now enjoy their lovely wedding pictures below!







had to sneak in a picture of Britt & I at the end.. Don't mind my insane bun.. #storyofmylife

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