Barrera Family - Lifestyle Session - Alpine Utah


These are the three phrases that described this session for me. We met up in Alpine Utah which is NOT where I am from and honestly I had never been to this location prior to that day. The roads on google maps were blocked off and we ended up off roading in their jeep up a rocky path. It was all worth it when parked and walked to a nearby hideaway on a hillside overlooking the ENTIRE VALLEY. It was breathtaking and little P started adventuring from the first step out of the car. A kid after my own heart.

We spent most of the time stopping this little guy from rolling down the mountain, and playing pickle  between my camera and his mom. He is wild in all the right ways and it was so nice working with Emily & Drew! Not gonna lie, family sessions usually stress me out because the moms are usually REALLY stressed out. I get it, they have paid money and got ready and want everything to be "picture perfect" LITERALLY. But more often than not, the toddler is cranky, the husband is less than thrilled, and everyone leaves frustrated. Much to my elation however, Emily was of the "whatever, I trust you Cami" mindset, which put me at ease and let us get some gorgeous shots of how their family is naturally. In these photos what you see is their genuine personalities shining through. 

So if I learned anything from this session, it was to have fun and be free. 
If my clients trust me, I always deliver. When they try to control the photoshoot, I can't always guarantee the outcome will be my best work, because it is no longer my work at all.

Stay Wild, 


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