Disneyland - Ashlynn & Coby

This family was so much fun to photograph and the story behind it is a little more amazing. These two have gone through hell and back with their family and have decided to share their struggle. If you had told me their history I would never have believed it. You can learn more about their journey to true love here...
These two were so united and comfortable letting me into their Disneyland Do over. Their daughters Lucy & Ellie were a riot and hilarious. We had a blast just navigating Disneyland and eating some yummy food. The park was PACKED. Like busier than summer packed! It took me over an hour just to get from the bag check into the park! So instead of riding rides and doing attractions, we just strolled around and I honestly enjoyed just getting to know this family a little better! Such a magical place to make memories with those that you love. I LOVE DISNEY!

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