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Easton's First Birthday Cake Smash

 It seems like just yesterday I was in a field with a young couple taking maternity photos and shortly after, I was taking this sweet man's newborn photos!!!! When his momma let me know we needed to schedule his FIRST BIRTHDAY photos I was in shock. This session was fun and a little bit rocky, but you would never know from his sweet smile. He dove straight into the cake and then immediately wanted nothing to do with the frosting. 😆 Turns out he isn't a messy one. Which is totally gonna pay off later. So mom jumped into to calm him down and clean him up (getting her quite messy in the process). But I think now I am gonna suggest this with all my cake smash clients! It turned out so cute and as a momma myself I WISH I had photos like this of me and my girls. In fact I think I am gonna give it a go.. I'll keep ya posted on how that goes!  But in the meantime scroll through these super cute images..

****To see this little guy's previous photoshoots (newborns & the maternity shoot) click the links above to be rerouted to the blog posts.****




Okay so Azlyn grew up in my small town. I was her brother's age and she was always someone I looked up to. She has the MOST ADORABLE leather bow shop. This family is a military family. They currently live in Florida and I was thrilled when she let me know she would be in town and wanted some photos! Her daughters are the same age as my girls so a few play dates were definitely on the agenda as well. Our photo session was a quick one, but I loved capturing her sweet girls' personalities. So many giggles and those bow socks?! SOOOOO SWEET. 

Girls Outfit details: 
Dresses : Alice and Ames
Bow Socks: Zozu Baby 
Azlyn's Bow Shop: Genuinely Made Shop


Emily & Matt Condie - Redlands LDS Temple - Wedding

This wedding was a special one for me. Matt & Emily are SWEET. Their love is a tender one and you can see their respect for one another is built on a deep emotional connection. This day was filled with so much joy and real smiles. Most of the time weddings are this big grand event, but theirs was simple and sweet, yet still absolutely gorgeous.

Their bridal party was filled with their family and we chose to do the family portraits at an old abandoned Railroad Station in Downtown Redlands, to achieve the simple country vibe that the wedding seemed to carry. The reception that night took place in her parents backyard and I have never seen a more comfortable & relaxed reception that still looked amazing. (keep scrolling to understand that statement..)

I am so grateful I got to be a part of their big day and feel so blessed to call this incredible hobby a job..  Now on to the story of their happily ever after..



Had to sneak my SUNBURNED, HOT MESS self into a pic with bride.. I had so much fun, even if it was 100 degrees during family portraits! Hope you enjoyed this simply stunning wedding! Until next time...
