Dallyn & Colin

Dallyn & Colin

These two cuties were so adorable and sweet. This was my first 'Official' Photoshoot ever and can I just say, the models brought their game. These boys were so easy going and little Colin (6 months) was ALL SMILES. I am a sucker for overalls so I went a little crazy on this kid. But in the end both of their brown eyes captured my hearts and I am so glad that their mom will have these photos to remember the fun stages that they are at. 

Memories Captured,
Valley Gal 

Nolan & Kristen

Nolan & Kristen

Kristen and I go way back, we have known one another since middle school! So when she said she needed some photos with her man, I jumped at the chance. I had a BLAST capturing the pure love that these two have for eachother. They couldn't stop smiling and laughing the entire time. To me that is the definition of a soul mate. Someone that you are so purely you with that you can't help but radiate. These two definitely showed me that you don't have to know someone forever to know that they are your 'Person'. I hope to be taking these two lovebirds photos for years to come!
These memories captured,
Valley Gal


I can't believe this girl is all grown up! I used to babysit her and her sweet little voice is so vivid in my mind. It was fun scrapping out original plan to go to a bridge when we drove past a burned down property and I knew we just had to stop right then when Karissa agreed that it would be a cool idea.

They turned out better then I had imagined and I am so glad that we were so flexible and could go with the flow. Congrats on graduation Karissa! May your next adventure be great.